So christmas is over. I am now 10 kilos above my april weight and I'm pretty sure with a lot less muscle to go with it. My rehab has been going reasonably well, my quads are a lot bigger and my hamstring that was grafted is now existant which it wasn't a few days ago.
At the moment my training program at the gym:
10mins warm up on cross country machichine
3x10 sets on 8 plates (not sure weight)
3x10 sets 40kgs on leg press
3x10 squats with 2x20 pound dumbells
3x10 lunges as above
3x20 steps as above
15minutes cyclying alternating each minute between sprints and easy riding.
for upper body
3x10 on each side 30pounds bent over something idontk now what its called
3x10 25 pounsd dumbell benchpress with back and neck on a bosu ball (or whatever they're called)
3x10 30 pound bicep curls.
3x10 on each side wood chop 4 plates (not sure weight)
the 27th had a good spew session, cyclced to dee why, then home then gym, did all exercises as above except woodchop and cycling, then being speaking about waterpolo tried to do one of my old training swims, i am extremely out of shape aimed to do:
400m warm up
4x100m on the 1:30
4x50m on the 40
4x25m on 20s
400m cool down.
what i actaully did was
200m warm up
2x100 on the 1:45 15 second rest
4x50m on the 50 20 second rest
4x25m on the 20 30 second rest.
200m cooldown
i tried to have as much focus on a good strong, even stroke (I used to be a lot weaker on the left) and the same for my kicking, also having my head up and a few changes in my stroke i spoke to a friend abotu who used to swim a lot and still plays waterpolo about getting the most power out of each pull back of your arm which involved facing my palm towards me earlier than i usually would.
also really focused on reaching out as far as i could with each stroke.
i was pretty disappointed about how far my performance has dropped since i was training a lot for waterpolo
showered, changed and rode to freshwater beach, and back home over a giant hill that hurt.
felt really good afterwards, i havent pushed myself like that for ages.
hopefully it wont be long till i can start posting improvments.
i had a chat with a friend who used to be quite the swimmer who just reckons first get to the point of comfortably swimming 20 minutes freestyle with perfect technique then start to mix it up as you see fit and expand on that, but do it 4-5 times a week.
im not sure i can be that dedicated.