Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do you ever get that feeling?

You stand there poised on the line waiting, your body is warm, ready and willing.

You have been preparing for this moment for the past 4 months, and it has been on your mind every day since.

You think back to the past week. The strained strength sessions, the drawn out burning feeling in your lungs as you push through the last minutes of that cardio session legs screaming at you to stop. Then the cool pool sessions as you gently pulled your body through the water.

The past few minutes a slow jog to get your body moving, those familiar stretches you have done witout thinking, done so many times before. The encouragment and warm words from your friends.

You know its time, you lunge out with your first step the soft grass below your feet as you reach out with your next bound.

The flashes of the past dash across your memory, the throws, the dives, the hucks, the drops, the time you thought you werne't going to qualify for natioanals and your whole team wanted to cry, and that sweet time you pulled down a huge grab from the lofty heights of the sky.

You get into your rhythm and breathing.

Your team mates shout out words of encouragment as a smile crosses your face.

I did my first straight line run today since april 26th around 1pm, it was an amazing feeling.

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