Friday, January 25, 2008

Fakulti Training

Wednesday night I went to Fakulti training (despite the wishes of Jimmy... I heard that Barefoot were evil) it was fun, not too intense but hard and I did learn some things.

  • I need to time my longer cuts better and start them from closer in rather than further back to make it easier for the thrower to throw into space. (From Tim Gee)
  • I need to time all my cuts better for the flow, I'm getting open just at the wrong time.
  • Fatty tried to explain a horizontal stack a little better to me, I think it makes sense now... just cut in and out and off your partner wing/deep.
  • My new gaia cleats stick to the ground about 3x as well as my old cleats but they ruin my feet.
We opened up the evening with some throwing around, then get together warm up stretch and run. We did some longer throwing in pairs as well as left handed throws. Break Mark Drill, throwing to a receiver hucking drill and a warm down.

Felt pretty tired before I started, felt worse when I finished. Need to learn to time cuts better, its a lot harder playing with people who know how to guard properly.

My throwing has been pretty inconsistent recently, backhands doing better than forehands though.

It was fun playing with Fakulti, and I heard they ran better development for new people than Barefoot. But mostly I thought they trained closer than barefoot did.

One thing I noticed between Fak and Barefoot is that Fak don't really have that cult of personality leadership that Abra brings to barefoot and its a shame that Barefoot and Fak don't all love eachother in one superhappy mega team. Fak's leadership seems to just come from respect of a given position and that player being very good at frisbee. But I wonder what advantages someone like Abra could bring? Some fire to the team maybe?

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