Friday, January 4, 2008

Throwing Around


I hurt my foot again at New Years. Running has been limited.

Throwing in pretty extreme wind today. Noticed extreme lack of form - backhand and forehand both had serious problems, but got a good 20-30mins in of throwing before my dad hurt his hand.

Throwing up and down wind:

How many times have you heard 'guys come on let's just score this upwinder'? Sure, throwing upwind is hard, especially with any form of efficient defence - zone or man. Almost as prevalent as the dodgy hammer-in-gale-force, the caught-by-wind floating backhand or a turfed flick, though, in my (admittedly minimal) experience, is a dropped simple downwind pass - not enough practice throwing downwind leads to an inability to control the speed of the pass, resulting in normal throws turning to downwind bullets.

Hardly groundbreaking stuff, but something to think about.


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