Sunday, March 30, 2008

An Injury

beneath the Southern Cross I stand
a sprig of wattle in my hand
a native of my native land
Australia, you fucking beauty

I want to write about this weekend but whatever I write it comes out as sentimental rubbish and not some sort of half-baked instructional blogging like mine usually is. So, suffice to say, this weekend was great and today during a pommy drill (not even a game, a drill!) I was playing on-point and laid out for a pass to a crashing popper instead of just running straight in: end result I crashed into Phil (I got the D, it was most likely a foul but he didn't call it because of what happened next) and just got so winded and it was extremely painful to breathe. My ribs are okay, they're not cracked or anything, I think I just bruised my lung (if that's even possible) because breathing was the only hard thing. I had to sit the rest of the day out. Going past my resting breathing rate was v. painful.

I'll try to write something good later.


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