Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Sad Reality

Two things have made me sad this week.

Firstly the loss of my disc, turning up to Fakulti training hoping that someone had picked it up to return it to me. Turns out some prick picked it up to keep it and not return it. Hopefully I can get a return of my disc like Brett, when we played Gong they made the mistake of using his disc for the game disc (which he lost at Share the Love) and so he was able to get his disc back.

Hopefully this can happen to me as well.

The second thing that upset me was I hurt my ankle at Fak training on Monday, I missed Kais ever important sessions of over and under running and was not able to make the Wednesday fitness sessions. I dont think anyone has ever made me work so hard or producively for my fitness.


Juniors training camp is coming soon and I'm hinking of changing up my fitness a little bit from Jimmy's exact program, I will follow the cardio runs, but after reading

I think I will compact my runs into a fartlek session on a soccer field and just keep that heart rate up the whole time using sprints and jogs rather than one long continuous jog. To try and
create a little more game fitness.

The reigonals party was fun, I'm going to try gatorbombs (Jimmy's suggestion for a drinking alternative when everyone is doing jager bombs) 3/4 of a glass of gatorade and drop a shot of red bull into it. I hope it tastes good. And surely the sugar and caffeine can keep me going for hours. Hell I think an even better idea would be to live off these while at the juniors camp.

1 comment:

Maple said...

kais wednesday session was ridiculous...i wanted to vomit...almost everything was resistance running then pushups and sit ups....i can barely lift my arms. Also 2 of th barefoot worlds guys and the wollongong steve guy were was cool chatting and training with them, super nice guys, and gus and gav are fast. Speed training will make a big diff come nats i think, and iknw i wot do it without kais pain sessions either