Thursday, June 19, 2008

Catching the disc on the leading edge.

Was at the park throwing with Nathan and Hingo today.

I noticed a lot of Hingo's catch's he was dropping were deflecting off his hand and ending up 3-4metres away.

I thought about it, and realised it was because he was catching on the trailing edge rather than the leading edge.

I tried to explain it, but it didnt make sense so I stood a few metres away from him asked him to throw the disc to me, and put out my hand to just stop the disc. Once on the trailing edge, it would spin off my hand and land a few metres away, and once on the leading edge, straight into the ground.

It made sense after that with the nice little demonstration. So then I made him swap roles he had to mac the disc to let it spin away from him and also stop it so it would fall straight down.

A good way to teach the concept of leading and trailing edge catches I thought!


Owen said...

I like this.

JdR said...

so where's the youth nats slamtalk?