Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Learning to lay

I've been trying to make it part of my game to lay out more regularly as inspired by Jimmy's "Get off your feet!"

Victory tonight.

not the best team we faced this season, but good for experimenting.

The last point... I'd been thinking about what the article had been saying the whole game 'do not commit to a side otherwise the thrower will just throw to the other one and the offensive player can block with his body'

Well it was right, a lot of the time I was just on the wrong side to have any chance at the bid.

The last point, everyone's a little bit over it.

The guy isn't that quick, they aren't a very spectacular team, but good enough.

Chase him down stay in the middle but behind him, disc goes up and JUMP.

I have to learn to lay out on d...
I only ever do it on o...

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